Thursday, January 10, 2008

maal hijrah

Today marks another year in the muslim calender. One can only ponder at what the past year has rewarded or taken away from oneselves. So much have i learnt from just that. My close friends come and go in the campus..leaving for a greneer pasture..leaving for another campus..leaving for phd....and yet some us stay on.I do believe that everything has been mapped by God for's just a matter of taking the road.
Alhamdulillah, with the transfer to a nearby campus, a mom who yearns to spend more quality time with her young children is now able to do just that. In fact, the eldest boy once exclaimed...isn't it wierd that we now have breakfast everyday before we leave for school,mama? must have been his prayers....thank you god for your compassion...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

here comes 2008 ...!

what can i say..another year is here..and i am still here..the same person who wrote in last april but have not written another since. life's been pretty busy.....especially with the kids (here's apicture to prove just that!) and as my dear dr freggy said ..the blog will surely treasure the memories of our kids' childhood days. So, updating my blog will definitely be in my to-do-list for 2008, insyallah....